Wednesday, October 21, 2009

If someone of the opposite sex keeps emailing you flirty emails, and your not interested, should you reply?

Ignore them, and hope they'll go away , or email them back saying your flattered but no thanks?
If someone of the opposite sex keeps emailing you flirty emails, and your not interested, should you reply?
Don't reply it makes them think you are interested...
Reply:No. I wouldn't like that.

If you have such type problem, then SPAM his/her id.
Reply:Make your self invisible to that person
Reply:Lying is not the answer. A polite but firm "No thanks" usually does the trick. If he's too persistent and sees rejection as encouragement to keep trying rather than as discouragement, THEN you can tell him you're going to report him for sexual harassment.
Reply:Just email them back lying and saying you are interested in the same sex and hopefully that will deter that person from emailing back. I suppose you could just block emails coming from that person anyways.
Reply:ha...out of respect, tell them your not interested and put them on your block/black (lycos) list.
Reply:only If you want them to.
Reply:Be friendly, but decline. Only be rude and ignore the person if they get scary-obsessed.
Reply:letting them know would definately be nice. But some people can't take no so you'd have to be careful. I would tell him once if it persists than ignore them.
Reply:Reply politely with a cc to a bogus coverment or police mail adres, make something up like: or something, or, etc..

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