Sunday, May 23, 2010

What file type should i save my resume in for emailing so that the format stays the same?

MS Word 2003. Not everyone uses 2007 yet. Most companies will accept either plain text or MS Word.


PDF costs money :P It's also a pain in the neck, since YOU can't edit it unless you have pro, and its editing features are... well... non-existant. And nobody in a human resources department is going to be editing your resume anyway.

Every company I've submitted a resume to directly online will have a box for pasting a plain text resume, or allow upload of an MS Word document. I've never seen one that asked for PDF, and most explicitly say they ONLY accept Word.
What file type should i save my resume in for emailing so that the format stays the same?
PDF; although most people have Word these days.
Reply:PDF is probably the most professional. You can even put security on so people can't change it.
Reply:save your resume in pdf form! it will stay the same!
Reply:WordPerfect is OK, but like WORD, keep it simple.

Aa-Zz, 0-9, no special chars. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) scanners (what most HR depts use to store resumes with) like QWERTY letters. So if it's not on the keyboard, don't use that symbol.

Save your file in plain text.

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